The isrm object loads, stores, and manipulates the ISRM grid data.


  • isrm_path: a string representing the folder containing all ISRM data
  • output_region: a geodataframe of the region for results to be output, as calculated by get_output_region in
  • region_of_interest: the name of the region contained in the output_region
  • load_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file should be loaded (for debugging)
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
  • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements


  • nh3_path, nox_path, pm25_path, sox_path, voc_path: the filepath strings for each of the primary pollutant ISRM variables
  • valid_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file provided is valid
  • valid_geo_file: a Boolean indicating whether the ISRM geometry file provided is valid
  • geodata: a geodataframe containing the ISRM feather file information
  • crs: the inherent coordinate reference system associated with the ISRM geometry
  • geometry: geospatial information associated with the ISRM geometry

Calculated Attributes

  • receptor_IDs: the IDs associated with ISRM receptors within the output_region
  • receptor_geometry: the geospatial information associated with the ISRM receptors within the output_region
  • PM25, NH3, NOx, SOX, VOC: the ISRM matrices for each of the primary pollutants

Internal Functions

  • get_isrm_files: appends the file names to the isrm_path input to generate full file paths
  • check_path: checks if the files exist at the paths specified (both data and geo files)
  • load_and_cut: loads the numpy layers for a pollutant and trims the columns of each vertical layer’s matrix to only include the receptor_IDs within the output_region
  • load_isrm: calls the load_and_cut function for each ISRM numeric layer and returns a list of pollutant matrices
  • load_geodata: loads the feather file into a geopandas dataframe
  • clip_isrm: clips the ISRM receptor geodata to only the relevant ones based on the output_region (i.e., returns the receptor_IDs and receptor_geometry objects)

External Functions

  • get_pollutant_layer: returns the ISRM matrix for a single pollutant
  • map_isrm: simple function for mapping the ISRM grid cells