The control_file object is used to check and read the control file for a run:


  • file_path: the file path of the control file


  • valid_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the control file path is valid
  • keywords: a hardcoded list of the keywords that should be present in the control file
  • blanks_okay: a hardcoded list of whether each keyword can be blank (based on order of keywords)
  • valid_structure, no_incorrect_blanks: Boolean keywords based on internal checks of the control file format
  • run_name: a string representing the run name preferred by the user
  • emissions_path: a string representing the path to the emissions input file
  • emissions_units: a string representing the units of the emissions data
  • isrm_path: a string representing the path of the folder storing ISRM numpy layers and geodata
  • population_path: a string representing the path to the population input file
  • check: a Boolean indicating whether the program should run, or if it should just check the inputs (useful for debugging)
  • population_path: a string representing the path to the population data file
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether the user wants to run in verbose mode
  • output_exposure: a Boolean indicating whether exposure should be output
  • detailed_conc: a Boolean indicating whether concentrations should should be output as totals or by pollutant

Internal Functions

  • check_path: checks if a file exists at the given control file path
  • get_input_value: gets the input for a given keyword
  • check_control_file: runs all of the internal checks to confirm the control file is valid
  • get_all_inputs: imports all values from the control file
  • get_region_dict: loads all of the acceptable values for the various regions
  • region_check_helper: a helper function for checking the region of interest and region category inputs
  • out_res_check_helper: a helper function for checking the output resolution input
  • check_inputs: checks that all inputs are valid once imported

External Functions

  • get_file_path: returns the file path