
The population object stores detailed Census tract-level population data for the environmental justice exposure calculations and the health impact calculations from an input population dataset.


  • file_path: the file path of the raw population data
  • load_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file should be loaded (for debugging)
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
  • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements


  • valid_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file provided is valid
  • geometry: geospatial information associated with the emissions input
  • pop_all: complete, detailed population data from the source
  • pop_geo: a geodataframe with population IDs and spatial information
  • crs: the inherent coordinate reference system associated with the emissions input
  • pop_exp: a geodataframe containing the population information with associated spatial information, summarized across age bins
  • pop_hia: a geodataframe containing the population information with associated spatial information, broken out by age bin

Internal Functions

  • check_path: checks to see if the file exists at the path specified and returns whether the file is valid
  • load_population: loads the population data based on the file extension
  • load_shp: loads the population shapefile data using geopandas and post-processes
  • load_feather: loads the population feather data using geopandas and post-processes
  • make_pop_exp: makes the exposure population data frame by summing across age bins
  • make_pop_hia: makes the health impact assessment population data frame by retaining key information

External Functions

  • project_pop: projects the population data to a new coordinate reference system
  • allocate_population: reallocates population into new geometry using a spatial intersect calculated by intersect_geometries