1. Prepare Inputs and Terminal

The first step is to prepare your input files (see Input File Specifications for more details) and launch your terminal.

  1. Start up your console (e.g., Mac Terminal, Windows Ubuntu, Linux terminal) following the same process as described during setup. You do not need to reset the privileges if you have already set up the model.

  2. Navigate to the directory where the model is saved ([your/file/path]/echo-air).
    cd [your/file/path]/echo-air  
  3. Ensure you are working with the latest version of the ECHO-AIR Model by pulling from Github. You should do this every time you want to run it.
    git pull origin 
    • If you get a message that says “Already up to date”, then nothing has updated.
  4. If you have not already, create an inputs folder outside of the model directory. It should end up with the following path if you call pwd in this folder: /home/[your_name]/[your/file/path]/inputs
    cd ..
    mkdir inputs
    • If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux (e.g., Ubuntu), this path may exist somewhere else. You can use your file explorer to find the path to your file, and then precede it with /mnt/c/[your/file/path]
  5. Enter the inputs directory.
    cd inputs  
  6. Confirm that your input files are stored in this directory by using pwd.

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