The concentration_layer object runs ISRM-based calculations using a single vertical layer of the ISRM grid. The object inputs an emissions object (from, the ISRM object (from, and the layer number corresponding to the vertical layer of the ISRM grid. The object then estimates concentrations at ground-level resulting from emissions at that vertical layer release range.


  • emis_obj: the emissions object, as defined by
  • isrm_obj: the ISRM object, as defined by
  • layer: the layer number (0, 1, or 2)
  • output_dir: a string pointing to the output directory
  • output_emis_flag: a Boolean indicating whether ISRM-allocated emissions should be output
  • run_parallel: a Boolean indicating whether or not to run in parallel
  • shp_path: data variable file path for the border
  • output_region: a geodataframe containing only the region of interest
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether the user wants to run in verbose mode
  • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements


  • isrm_id: a Series of all ISRM grid cell IDs
  • receptor_id: a Series of all receptor IDs
  • isrm_geom: the geometry (geographic attributes) of the ISRM grid
  • crs: the coordinate reference system associated with the ISRM grid
  • name: a string representing the run name preferred by the user
  • check: a Boolean indicating whether the program should run, or if it should just check the inputs (useful for debugging)

Calculated Attributes

  • PM25e, NH3e, VOCe, NOXe, SOXe: geodataframes of the emissions (for each pollutant) from that layer re-allocated onto the ISRM grid
  • pPM25, pNH4, pVOC, pNO3, pSO4: geodataframes of the concentrations from each primary pollutant from the emissions of that pollutant in that layer
  • detailed_conc: geodataframe containing columns for each primary pollutant’s contribution to the total ground-level PM2.5 concentrations

Simple Functions

  • allocate_emissions: inputs the emissions layer and the ISRM geography, and re-allocates the emissions to the ISRM geography using an area-based allocation procedure
  • cut_emissions: inputs the pollutant geodataframe from the emissions object and slices it based on the minimum and maximum release heights (minimum inclusive, maximum exclusive) associated with the ISRM vertical layer
  • process_emissions: for each of the five primary pollutants, runs intersect_geometries and then allocate_emissions to return the geodataframes of emissions of each primary pollutant released in the layer allocated to the ISRM grid
  • visualize_individual_emissions: creates a 5-panel plot of total emissions for each individual pollutant and exports it as PNG file
  • save_allocated_emis: outputs ISRM-allocated emissions to a shapefile
  • get_concentration: for a pollutant’s emission layer (POLe), the ISRM matrix for that pollutant, and the layer ID, estimates the concentration at ground-level for the primary pollutant (pPOL)
  • combine_concentrations: merges together all five of the primary pollutant concentration geodataframes (pPOL) and adds them together to get total ground-level concentrations resulting from emissions released in that layer