2. Make Control File

The control file is the backbone of the entire model run. For more information about the control file, see the Control File Specifications.

If you are running on Mac or WSL, you can make and edit the control file in your file explorer and text editor. If you are using a Linux terminal or Google Cloud, you must do it through the command line. If you are running multiple runs, you may also consider using the create_control_files script.

Option 1: File Explorer and Text Editor

  1. Using your file explorer, navigate to the templates folder of the ECHO-AIR model.

  2. Copy that text file and paste it in the inputs directory you have created with your input files.

  3. Open the control file using a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, TextEdit, Wordpad and edit the control file following the specifications.

  4. Save and close.

  5. As a final step, write down the current path so you have it on hand.

– Next Step –>

Option 2: Command Line

  1. Create a copy of the control file from the templates folder. Rename the control file using the second line, if desired.
    cp /home/[your_name]/[your/file/path]/echo-air/templates/control_file_template.txt .
    mv control_file_template.txt [new_name].txt
  2. Edit the control file. If you are struggling to edit the file using the command line, you can download a copy of the control file from the Github repository online, make edits, and upload using the same process as you have previously uploaded files.

    1. Open the control file.
      vi [control_file_name].txt 
    2. Switch to insert mode by hitting i.

    3. Edit the control file, following the specifications.

    4. When you are done editing, hit esc and then type :wq and hit enter.
  3. As a final step, write down the current path so you have it on hand (use pwd).

– Next Step –>

Option 3: Create Control Files Script

Follow the instructions here.

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