
The emissions object is primarily built off of geopandas. It has the following attributes:


  • file_path: the file path of the raw emissions data
  • output_dir: a filepath string for the output directory
  • f_out: a string containing the filename pattern to be used in output files
  • units: units associated with the emissions (e.g., μg/s)
  • name: a plain English name tied to the emissions data, either provided or automatically generated from the filepath
  • details_to_keep: any additional details to be preserved throughout the processing (e.g., sector, fuel type) (not fully built out yet)
  • filter_dict: filters the emissions inputs based on inputted dictionary (not fully built out yet)
  • load_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file should be loaded (for debugging)
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
  • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements


  • valid_file: a Boolean indicating whether or not the file provided is valid
  • valid_units: a Boolean indicating whether or not emissions units are compatible with the program
  • valid_emissions: a Boolean indicating whether or not emissions passed required tests
  • file_type: the type of file being used to provide raw emissions data (for now, only .shp is allowed)
  • geometry: geospatial information associated with the emissions input
  • crs: the inherent coordinate reference system associated with the emissions input
  • emissions_data: complete, detailed emissions data from the source
  • emissions_data_clean: simplified emissions in each grid cell

Calculated Attributes

  • PM25: primary PM2.5 emissions in each grid cell
  • NH3: ammonia emissions in each grid cell
  • VOC: VOC compound emissions in each grid cell
  • NOX: NOx emissions in each grid cell
  • SOX: SOx emissions in each grid cell
  • L0_flag, L1_flag, L2_flag, isrm_hole_flag: Booleans indicating whether each layer should be calculated based on emissions release heights

Internal Functions

  • get_file_path: returns the file path
  • get_name: returns the name associated with the emissions (emissions_name)
  • get_unit_conversions: returns two dictionaries of built-in unit conversions
  • check_path: uses the path library to check if the provided file_path exists and if the file is a file
  • check_units: checks that the provided units are valid against the get_unit_conversions dictionaries
  • load_emissions: detects the filetype of the emissions file and calls the appropriate load function
  • check_id: checks for I_CELL and J_CELL and adds them if they are missing
  • load_shp: loads the emissions data from a shapefile
  • load_feather: loads the emissions data from a feather file
  • load_csv: loads the emissions data from a csv file
  • check_height: checks that the height column is present in the emissions file; if not, assumes emissions are released at ground-level
  • check_emissions: runs a number of checks on the emissions data to ensure data are valid before running anything
  • map_pollutant_names: replaces pollutant names if they are not found in the emissions data based on near-misses (e.g., PM2.5 for PM25)
  • filter_emissions: filters the emissions based on the filter_dict input
  • check_geo_types: checks what geometries are present in the emissions shapefile (e.g., points, polygons, multipolygons); if points exist, uses buffer_emis to convert to polygons
  • check_polygon_area: checks if the maximum polygon area exceeds 2500 km^2 and outputs a warning to the user if so
  • buffer_emis converts points to polygons by adding a buffer of dist
  • clean_up: simplifies the emissions data by removing unnecessary dimensions, converting units as appropriate, and updating the column names
  • convert_units: converts units from provided units to μg/s using the unit dictionaries built-in
  • split_polutants: converts the emissions layer into separate objects for each pollutant
  • which_layers: determines the L0_flag, L1_flag, L2_flag, and linear_interp_flag variables based on the HEIGHT column of the emissions data

External Functions

  • visualize_emissions: creates a simple map of emissions for a provided pollutant
  • get_pollutant_layer: pulls a single pollutant layer based on pol_name