Google Cloud Console Prerequisites

The model was validated on the Google Cloud console.

Set Up Google Cloud Console

In order to run ECHO-AIR on Google Cloud, you must have a Google Cloud Platform account. You can create one following the instructions here.

Configure Your Project

To run ECHO-AIR, you will need to create a Project within the Cloud Platform.

  1. Sign into your Google Cloud Platform account.
  2. Follow the instructions here to create a new project.
    1. You may need to create a new organization following the instructions here.
  3. Ensure that billing is enabled for Compute Engine and Cloud Storage.
  4. Navigate to the Compute Engine page and create an instance following the instructions here.
    1. It is recommended that you set up a machine type of e2-standard-16 or higher.
    2. The Boot disk should have a minimum of 64 GB.
  5. Navigate to the Cloud Storage Bucket page and create a Cloud Storage Bucket following the instructions here.