
The environmental_justice_calcs script file contains a number of functions that help calculate exposure metrics for environmental justice analyses.


Creates a dataframe ready for exposure calculations

  1. Inputs:
    • conc: concentration object from concentration.py
    • isrm_pop_alloc: population object (from population.py) re-allocated to the ISRM grid cell geometry
    • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
    • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements
  2. Outputs
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group
  3. Methodology:
    1. Pulls the total concentration from the concentration object
    2. Grabs the population by racial/ethnic group from the population object
    3. Merges the concentration and population data based on the ISRM ID
    4. Adds the population weighted mean exposure as a column of the geodataframe using add_pwm_col


Adds an intermediate column that multiplies population by exposure concentration

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group
    • group: the racial/ethnic group name
  2. Outputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group, now with PWM column
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a column called group+’_PWM’.
    2. Multiplies exposure concentration by group population
    3. Returns the new dataframe
  4. Important Notes:
    • The new column is not actually a population-weighted mean, it is just an intermediate for calculating PWM in the next step.


Estimates the population-weighted mean exposure for a given group

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group
    • group: the racial/ethnic group name
  2. Outputs:
    • PWM_group: the group-level population weighted mean exposure concentration (float)
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a variable for the group PWM column (as created in add_pwm_col
    2. Estimates PWM by adding across the group_PWM column and dividing by the total group population


Returns a table of overall disparity metrics by racial/ethnic group

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group
  2. Outputs:
    • pwm_df: a dataframe containing the PWM, absolute disparity, and relative disparity of each group
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates an empty dataframe with the groups as rows
    2. Estimates the group population weighted mean using the get_pwm function
    3. Estimates the absolute disparity as Group_PWM - Total_PWM
    4. Estimates the relative disparity as the Absolute Disparity/Total_PWM


Creates a dataframe of exposure percentiles for plotting

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a geodataframe with the exposure concentrations and allocated population by racial group
    • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
  2. Outputs:
    • df_pctl: a dataframe of exposure concentrations by percentile of population exposed by group
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a copy of the exposure_gdf dataframe to prevent writing over the original.
    2. Sorts the dataframe by PM2.5 concentration and resets the index.
    3. Iterates through each racial/ethnic group, performing the following:
      1. Creates a small slice of the dataframe that is only the exposure concentration and the group.
      2. Estimates the cumulative sum of population in the sorted dataframe.
      3. Estimates the total population of the group.
      4. Estimates percentile as the population in the grid cell divided by the total population of the group.
      5. Adds the percentile column into the main dataframe.


Calls the other exposure justice functions in order

  1. Inputs:
    • conc: concentration object from concentration.py
    • isrm_pop_alloc: population object (from population.py) re-allocated to the ISRM grid cell geometry
    • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
    • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements
  2. Outputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a dataframe containing the exposure concentrations and population estimates for each group
    • exposure_pctl: a dataframe of exposure concentrations by percentile of population exposed by group
    • exposure_disparity: a dataframe containing the PWM, absolute disparity, and relative disparity of each group
  3. Methodology:
    1. Calls the create_exposure_df function.
    2. Calls the get_overall_disparity function.
    3. Calls the estimate_exposure_percentile function.


Exports the exposure concentrations and population estimates as a shapefile

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a dataframe containing the exposure concentrations and population estimates for each group
    • shape_out: a filepath string of the location of the shapefile output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
  2. Outputs:
    • A shapefile will be output into the shape_out directory.
    • The function returns fname as a surrogate for completion (otherwise irrelevant)
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a filename and path for the export.
    2. Updates the columns slightly for shapefile naming
    3. Exports the shapefile.


Exports the exposure concentrations and population estimates as a CSV file

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a dataframe containing the exposure concentrations and population estimates for each group
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
  2. Outputs:
    • A CSV file will be output into the output_dir.
    • The function returns fname as a surrogate for completion (otherwise irrelevant)
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a filename and path for the export.
    2. Updates the column names for more straightforward interpretation
    3. Exports the results as a comma-separated value (CSV) file.


Exports the exposure concentrations and population estimates as a shapefile

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_disparity: a dataframe containing the population-weighted mean exposure concentrations for each group
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
  2. Outputs:
    • A shapefile will be output into the output_dir.
    • The function returns fname as a surrogate for completion (otherwise irrelevant)
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a filename and path for the export.
    2. Updates the columns and values slightly for more straightforward interpretation
    3. Exports the results as a comma-separated value (CSV) file.


Creates a plot of exposure concentration by percentile of each group’s population

  1. Inputs:
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
    • exposure_pctl: a dataframe of exposure concentrations by percentile of population exposed by group
    • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
    • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements
  2. Outputs:
    • The function does not return anything, but a lineplot image (PNG) will be output into the output_dir.
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a melted (un-pivoted) version of the percentiles dataframe.
    2. Multiplies the percentile by 100 to span 0-100 instead of 0-1.
    3. Maps the racial/ethnic group names to better formatted names (e.g., “HISLA” –> “Hispanic/Latino”)
    4. Draws the figure using the seaborn library’s lineplot function.
    5. Saves the file as f_out + ‘_PM25_Exposure_Percentiles.png’ into the out_dir.


Calls each of the exposure output functions in parallel

  1. Inputs:
    • exposure_gdf: a dataframe containing the exposure concentrations and population estimates for each group
    • exposure_disparity: a dataframe containing the population-weighted mean exposure concentrations for each group
    • exposure_pctl: a dataframe of exposure concentrations by percentile of population exposed by group
    • shape_out: a filepath string of the location of the shapefile output directory
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
    • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether or not detailed logging statements should be printed
    • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements
  2. Outputs:
    • The function does not return anything, but a shapefile will be output into the output_dir.
  3. Methodology:
    1. Creates a filename and path for the export.
    2. Updates the columns slightly for shapefile naming
    3. Exports the shapefile.


Estimates population-weighted mean for a subset of the full_dataset.

  1. Inputs: None
    • name: the specific name of the region type (e.g., SF BAY AREA)
    • group: the racial/ethnic group of interest
    • full_dataset: a dataframe containing all of the concentraion and population intersection objects with regions assigned
  2. Outputs:
    • pwm: the population-weighted mean concentration of PM2.5
  3. Methodology:
    1. Slices a releevant part of the full dataset using the NAME column.
    2. Estimates the population-weighted mean for that geographic area only.


Creates the exports for the population-weighted products requested when the user inputs an output resolution larger than the ISRM grid

  1. Inputs:
    • pop_exp: a dataframe containing the population information without age-resolution
    • conc: a concentration object
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • output_region: the geometry of the desired output region
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
    • ca_shp_path: a filepath string of the location of the California boundary shapefile
    • shape_out: a filepath string of the location of the shapefile output directory
  2. Outputs: None
  3. Methodology:
    1. Combines the concentration data, geographic areas data, and the population data by intersecting all three together.
    2. Estimates the population counts for each group in each of these intersected areas.
    3. Estimates the population-weighted mean concentration for each group for each geographic subarea.
    4. Plots this data on a chloropleth map using the visualize_pwm_conc function.
    5. Outputs this summary data as a shapefile and as a csv.


Creates map of PWM concentrations using simple chloropleth.

  1. Inputs:
    • output_res_geo: a dataframe containing the population-weighted mean concentrations for each output resolution
    • output_region: the geometry of the desired output region
    • output_dir: a filepath string of the location of the output directory
    • f_out: the name of the file output category (will append additional information)
    • ca_shp_path: a filepath string of the location of the California boundary shapefile
  2. Outputs: None
  3. Methodology:
    1. Reads in the California boundary file and projects it to the matching coordinate reference system.
    2. Creates a matching map to the one created in concentration.visualize_concentrations().


Makes a global rename code dictionary for easier updating

  1. Inputs: None
  2. Outputs:
    • logging_code: a dictionary that maps endpoint names to log statement codes
  3. Methodology:
    1. Defines a dictionary and returns it.