Health Output Files

When the model is run with RUN_HEALTH, the output files will be generated for three excess mortality endpoints: all cause mortality, ischemic heart disease, and lung cancer. This page applies to each of the three.

Individual Health Endpoint Mortality Maps

With each run, there will be three map figures (one per endpoint) in the format [batch]_[run]total[endpoint]_excess_mortality.png. Each map figure contains four maps: total population density, total exposure, total endpoint excess mortality, and total endpoint mortality per 100K people. An example is shown below.

Individual Health Endpoint Mortality png

Individual Health Endpoint Data

Each run also generates a CSV spreadsheet file with the format [batch]_[run]total[endpoint]_excess_mortality.csv for each of the three endpoints. The CSV file has the following columns: ISRM_ID, CONC_UG/M3 (concentration levles), Asian (# People), Black (# People), Hispanic/Latino (# People), Native American (# People), White (# People), Total (# People), Other (# People), [endpoint]_ASIAN, [endpoint]_BLACK, [endpoint]_HISLA, [endpoint]_INDIG, [endpoint]_TOTAL, [endpoint]_WHITE, and [endpoint]_OTHER.

Individual Health Endpoint Shapefiles

Each run generates three shapefiles with in the format: [batch]_[run]total[endpoint]_excess_mortality.shp.

After each run, a file named “shapes” will be generated, containing shapefiles associated with each endpoint with the following extensions: “.cpg”, “.dbf”, “.prj”, “.shp”, and “.shx”.

Each extension serves a specific purpose:

.shp (Shapefile):

This file contains the spatial data’s geometry (points, lines, or polygons). .shx (Shape Index):

This file stores an index of the feature geometry for faster access. .dbf (dBASE Table):

This file is a database that stores attribute data associated with the shapes. .prj (Projection File):

This file holds information about the coordinate system and projection used. .cpg (Code Page File):

This file specifies the character encoding used in the attribute data.