The concentration object runs ISRM-based calculations for each of the vertical layer’s of the ISRM grid by processing individual concentration_layer objects. The object inputs an emissions object (from and the ISRM object (from The object then estimates total concentrations at ground-level resulting from emissions.


  • emis_obj: the emissions object, as defined by
  • isrm_obj: the ISRM object, as defined by
  • detailed_conc_flag: a Boolean indicating whether concentrations should be output at a detailed level or not
  • run_parallel: a Boolean indicating whether or not to run in parallel
  • output_dir: a string pointing to the output directory
  • output_emis_flag: a Boolean indicating whether ISRM-allocated emissions should be output
  • debug_mode: a Boolean indicating whether or not to output debug statements
  • shp_path: data variable file path for the border
  • output_region: a geodataframe containing only the region of interest
  • output_geometry_fps: a dictionary containing a mapping between region_category and the filepaths
  • output_resolution: a geodataframe containing only the region of interest
  • run_calcs: a Boolean indicating whether the program should run, or if it should just check the inputs (useful for debugging)
  • verbose: a Boolean indicating whether the user wants to run in verbose mode


  • isrm_id: a Series of all ISRM grid cell IDs
  • isrm_geom: the geometry (geographic attributes) of the ISRM grid
  • crs: the coordinate reference system associated with the ISRM grid
  • name: a string representing the run name preferred by the user

Calculated Attributes

  • detailed_conc: geodataframe of the detailed concentrations at ground-level combined from all three vertical layers
  • detailed_conc_clean: simplified geodataframe of the detailed concentrations at ground-level combined from all three vertical layers
  • total_conc: geodataframe with total ground-level PM2.5 concentrations across the ISRM grid
  • summary_conc: a geodataframe with the total ground-level PM2.5 concentrations at the coarsest spatial resolution requested by the user
  • crosswalk: a pandas dataframe connecting the ISRM_ID with the NAME of the geographic sub-area (if relevant)

Internal Functions

  • run_layer: estimates concentrations for a single layer by creating a concentration_layer object for that layer
  • combine_concentrations: checks for each of the layer flags in the emissions object, and then calls the run_layer function for each layer that is flagged. Then, combines the concentrations from each layer flagged into the three concentration geodataframes described above
  • get_summary_conc: creates the summary concentration object if the output resolution is coarser than the ISRM grid

External Functions

  • visualize_concentrations: draws a map of concentrations for a variable (var) and exports it as a PNG into an output directory (output_dir) of choice
  • export_concentrations: exports concentrations as a shapefile into an output directory (output_dir) of choice
  • output_concentrations: function for outputting concentration data by calling the visualize_concentrations and export_concentrations functions