The code is written in Python 3. The library requirements are included in this repository as requirements.txt
. For completeness, they are reproduced here:
- attrs==21.4.0
- certifi==2021.10.8
- click==8.1.2
- click-plugins==1.1.1
- cligj==0.7.2
- cycler==0.11.0
- DateTime==4.5
- Fiona==1.8.21
- fonttools==4.32.0
- geopandas==0.10.2
- kiwisolver==1.4.2
- matplotlib==3.5.1
- matplotlib-scalebar==0.8.1
- munch==2.5.0
- numpy==1.22.3
- packaging==21.3
- pandas==1.4.2
- pathlib==1.0.1
- Pillow==9.1.0
- pyarrow==7.0.0
- pyparsing==3.0.8
- pyproj==3.3.0
- python-dateutil==2.8.2
- pytz==2022.1
- Rtree==1.0.0
- scipy==1.8.0
- seaborn==0.11.2
- Shapely==1.8.1.post1
- six==1.16.0
- zope.interface==5.4.0
Python libraries can be installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt
on a Linux/Mac command line.